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Maxime Liefooghe
Ervaring als trainer: 15 jaar
Expertise: Retail Sales, B2B Sales, Communicatie, Change management, Leadership
Certificaten: H&P Selling, ENS Negotiations, Apple Certified Sales Trainer
Taal training: NL & ENG
Referenties: Tomorrowland & Progear, Apple, Lab9, Bpost, Infrabel, Solarnova, Elite Welness,...

Luc Casterman
Ervaring als trainer: 17 jaar
Expertise: Sales, Train the trainer, change management, diefstalpreventie, public speaking, communicatie, leiderschap
Certificaten: DISC, Insights Discovery, NLP, Process Comm., PTR
Taal training: FR & NL
Referenties: Google, Apple, HP, Microsoft, Philips, Mediamarkt, Lab9, Bpost, Sibelga, Fnac, Vandenborre, Krëfel.
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